
Friday, March 9, 2012

A Pretty Pleated-Look Skirt

 The neck of the capelet becomes the waist on this pleated-look skirt. It can be made in any size from infant to adult 6X; all you have to do is lengthen or shorten the beginning chain. Make it as wide or narrow as needed by choosing the number of rows worked. A pretty, optional to make it extra special.

Fits toddler and girl sizes 1-2 (3-4, 5-6, 7-8, 8-10, 10-12, 12-14, 14-16)

This same skirt can be made for all women's sizes up to 6X (see Pattern Notes).

Finished length: approx 9" (10", 11", 12.25'', 13.25", 14.5, 15.5, 16.5); 23(25, 28, 31, 34, 37, 39, 42) cm

Finished waist: approx 16" (17", 18", 19", 20", 21", 22", 23"); 41 (43, 46, 48, 51, 53, 56, 58)cm

 1)1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3) skeins (6 oz/330 yd) #3 light worsted-weight yarn

Used in this project: Caron Simply Soft acrylic yarn in Country Blue (Substitute: Red Heart Hula)

Sizes H/8 (5rnm) and J/10 (6mm)
 crochet hooks

Yarn needle

Stitch marker

 With H hook, 9 Sc and 8 sc rows = 2" (5cm)
With J hook, 11 dc and 6 dc rows (at widest point) = 3" (8cm)
stitches used ch, sl st. sc, dc

Special stitch: shell (for optional scalloped edging): (sc, hdc, 2 dc, hdc, sc) in ch-5 sp

pattern notes
This skirt has one seam in back. Beg ch will be length of skirt minus 1/2" (1cm). Rows are worked vertically, making it easy to add rows to fit the body a needed.

For all women's sizes, up to 6X: With J hook, make beg ch the length you desire the skirt to be. With H hook, Sc into 2nd ch from hook and in next 10 chs (11 chs total for waist section). Change to J hook and work dc in rem chs. Follow rows 2 and 3 of girl's skirt instruction (blo, so it will stretch), replacing the number of dc with number of dc you worked into your beg ch on Row 1. Keep working until you have enough rows to fit around your body. Remember to work an even number of rows if you plan to work sps for drawstring and edging. End off and sew back seam. Weave in ends.

All sts are worked in the blo.
With J hook, ch 22(26, 30, 34, 38, 42, 46, 50). For shorter or longer skirt: delete or add chs here, deleting or adding to the dc section at bottom of skirt. Change to H hook and ch 12 -34 (38, 42, 46, 50, 54, 58, 62) chs.

Row 1: (RS) With H hook, sc in 2nd ch from hook and in next 10 chs (11 sc made). Pm in last sc made; change to J hook, dc in next 22 (26. 30. 34, 38, 42. 46, 50) chs: turn - 33 (37, 41, 45. 49, 53. 57, 61) sts.

Row 2: With J hook, ch 3 (counts as first dc), sk first dc. dc in blo of next 21(25, 29. 33, 37, 41, 45, 49) dc. Take marker out of sc and place in last dc made: change to H hook, sc in blo of next 11 sc; turn -33 (37, 41, 45, 49, 53, 57, 61) sts.

Row 3: With H hook. ch 1, sc in blo of first 11 sc. Take marker out of dc and place in last sc made; change to J hook, dc in blo of next 22 (26, 30. 34, 38, 42, 46. 50) dc. ending with last dc in 3rd ch of beg ch-3; turn -33 (37. 41. 45, 49, 53. 57, 61) sts.

Rows 4-64 (68, 72, 76, 80, 84, 88, 92) or to desired width: Rep rows 2 and 3 appropriate number of times, ending by working a Row 2 rep. End off after last row. Weave in ends. When lying flat, before seam is sewn, the skirt should measure approx 16" (17", 18", 19", 20'',21", 22", 23"); 41 (43. 46. 48. 51, 53. 56, 58) cm at narrowest point (top waist) and approx 32'' (34", 36", 38''.40''. 42", 44", 46"); 81 (86, 91, 97, 102, 107, 112. 117) cm at widest point (bottom). With RS tog, match up foundation ch and last row. Sew seam with yarn and yarn needle. Turn RS out.

drawstring waist
With RS facing and H hook, join yarn with sl st in top center back edge at seam; ch 5 (counts as first dc and ch-2 sp); * sk next row, dc in edge of next row, ch 2; rep from * around, ending with sl st in 3rd ch of beg ch-5. End off. -32 (34, 36, 38, 40, 42, 44, 46) dc and 32(34, 36, 38, 40. 42, 44, 46) ch-2 sps. If you added or deleted rows on your skirt: The number of dc and ch-2 sps will be half the number of rows you worked. (Example: 66 rows = 33 dc and 33 ch-2 sps.)

Ch 170. End off. Weave drawstring or ribbon through ch-2 sps, beg at center front. Weave in ends.

optional scalloped edging (not shown)
Rnd 1: With RS facing and H hook, join yarn with sl st in top edge of any dc row at bottom edge of skirt: * ch 5, sk next row sl st in top edge of next row; rep from * around, ending with sl st in joining sl st -32 (34, 36, 38, 40, 42, 44, 46) ch-5 sps.

Rnd 2: Ch 1, * shell in next ch-5 sp, sl st in next sl st; rep from * around, ending with sl st in joining sl st. End off. -32 (34, 36, 38, 40, 42, 44, 46) shells. Weave in loose ends.

for less bulk
A lighter-weight yarn will make your skirt less bulky, but realize you may need to use smaller hooks, and your gauge will change.

1 comment:

  1. الترجمه سوريه ومش مفهوم معظم الكلام
